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ACUSTICA s.r.l. has been founded in 1988 . Our specialization is the formulation and manufacture of the line of cleansing ACUSTICLEAN used in ultrasonic cleaning systems.
The ACUSTICLEAN are used by primary national and foreign firms in systems to continuous cycle. The long duration of the baths is one of the required essential characteristics for the washing of great series of pieces.
•The sectors of employment of the ACUSTICLEAN are manifold but they excel in the most delicate sectors as: glasses, watches, jeweller's, silverware, fine mechanics, optics and many others.
Among the most salient characteristics of the ACUSTICLEANs we remember:
  • Low chemical aggressiveness
  • Easy to rinse
  • Low washing time
  • Biodegradability over 90%
  • Long duration of the baths
ACUSTICA S.r.l. | Via Bernina 30 | 20010 Bareggio (MI) |Tel 02 9027402 Fax 02 9013133 | e-mail: info@acusticasrl.it| P.IVA 09246430152